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On histories and stories. Selected essays

Littérature étrangère
Livre non disponible à l'échange
Éditeur : Arrow Books
Parution : 23/11/2001
Langue : Anglais
Format : Poche
Nb. de pages : 200 pages
Poids : 155 g


In her powerful essays - Fathers, Forefathers and Ancestors - A.S. Byatt considers the renaissance of the historical novel and discusses particularly the novel of wartime experience; the surprising variety of distant pasts that British writers have invented; and the new Darwinian novel. These afford new readings of writers from Elizabeth Bowen and Henry Green to Anthony Burgess, William Golding and Muriel Spark, and other contemporary authors, including Penelope Fitzgerald, Julian Barnes, Martin Amis and Pat Barker. She also offers fascinating insight into her own translation of historical fact into fiction in the two novellas which make up Angels and Insects.

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