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The Wish List

Livres en anglais
Livre non disponible à l'échange
Éditeur : Simon & Schuster
Parution : 11 avril 2013
Langue : Anglais
Format : Grand/Moyen
Nb. de pages : 496 pages


There are six months left of Emma Reiss's twenties. . . and she has some unfinished business. Emma and her friends are about to turn thirty, and for Emma it's a defining moment. Defined, that is, by her having achieved none of the things she'd imagined she would. Her career is all wrong, her love life is a desert and that penthouse apartment she pictured herself in simply never materialised. Moreover, she's never jumped out of a plane, hasn't met the man she's going to marry, has never slept under the stars, or snogged anyone famous - just some of the aspirations on a list she and her friends compiled fifteen years ago. As an endless round of birthday parties sees Emma hurtle towards her own thirtieth, she sets about addressing these issues. But, as she discovers with hilarious consequences, some of them are trickier to tick off than she'd thought…

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