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Livres en anglais
Livre non disponible à l'échange
Éditeur : Oxford University Press
Parution : 29/03/2001
Langue : Anglais
Format : Poche
Nb. de pages : 175 pages
Poids : 165 g


Anthony Stevens argues that Jung's visionary powers and profound spirituality have helped many to find an alternative set of values to the arid materialism prevailing in Western society. This concise introduction explains clearly the basic concepts of Jungian psychology: the collective unconscious, complex, archetype, shadow, persona, anima, animus, and the individuation of the Self. Anthony Stevens examines Jung's views on such disparate subjects as myth, religion, alchemy, 'synchronicity', and the psychology of gender differences. He devotes separate chapters to the stages of life, Jung's theory of psychological types, the interpretation of dreams, the practice of Jungian analysis, and to the unjust allegation that Jung was a Nazi sympathizer.

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