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Switch Bitch
Livres en anglais
Livre non disponible à l'échange
Éditeur : Penguin Books
Parution : 01/01/1974
Langue : Anglais
Format : Poche
Poids : 110 g
The Visitor and Bitch are extracts from the diaries of the notorious Oswald Hendryks Cornelius, hedonist beyond compare. Uncle Oswald's exploits are as extraordinary as they are scandalous, as these two tales of, sex and intrigue confirm in vivid and hilarious detail. The delicious thrill of sexual expectation - and its sometimes maddening effects - are explored in The Great Switcheroo and The Last Act; here the power of desire is a double-edged sword, both pleasurable and potentially catastrophic. Lust, triumph, the galling deflation of defeat: Roald Dahl captures them all in these superbly taut black comedies of human weakness and unexpected reversal.
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