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The Birth of the Modern World

Livres en anglais
Livre non disponible à l'échange
Éditeur : Wiley-Blackwell
Parution : 01/01/2004
Langue : Anglais
Format : Grand/Moyen
Nb. de pages : 570 pages


This thematic history of the world from 1780 to the onset of the First World War reveals that the world was far more ‘globalised' at this time than is commonly thought. Explores previously neglected sets of connections in world history Reveals that the world was far more ‘globalised', even at the beginning of this period, than is commonly thought Sketches the ‘ripple effects' of world crises such as the European revolutions and the American Civil War Shows how events in Asia, Africa and South America impacted on the world as a whole Considers the great themes of the nineteenth–century world, including the rise of the modern state, industrialisation and liberalism Challenges and complements the regional and national approaches which have traditionally dominated history teaching and writing

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