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The Gatecrasher

Livres en anglais
Livre non disponible à l'échange
Éditeur : Black Swan
Parution : 26/04/2011
Langue : Anglais
Format : Poche


Fleur is beautiful, unscrupulous, and has a large wardrobe of black designer suits. With the help of The Times announcements page she gatecrashes the funerals and memorial services of the wealthy, preying on rich, vulnerable men. She charms her way into their lives and onto their platinum credit cards, takes what she can, and then moves swiftly on. When Richard, a dull but wealthy businessman, meets Fleur at his wife's memorial service, he's bowled over. Gradually Fleur works her spell on Richard's family -- transforming their lives while she moves in on their wealth. But she finds herself lingering longer than she meant to.

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